Beauty And The Zen Of Capitalism / Huffington Post (FIFTY)
I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. Before you judge me, know that it's not my assessment, but the collective...

WOMEN AND CARS: Confessions Of A (Former) Female Car Hater
I don't care about cars -- there I said it. When people ask me what car my husband drives, I answer honestly - I don't know ... but it's...

ALERT! Baby Boomers, You're The Target Now!/ Huffington Post 'Fifty'
At 6:30 p.m. every evening, when the young start to figure out who they will hook up with that night, or what the Kimye's are up to, I...

OUTNUMBERED- A Love Triangle/ Huffington Post (FIFTY)
Have you ever been in a love triangle? I don't mean the Love & Peace ones that were so popular in the 60's. I mean the ones where three...

How a 10-year-old script became NFL.com’s 'best football movie' / Hollywood Journal, Blog
By Tova Laiter When NFL.com called to invite me to participate in their Varsity Blues: 15 Year Anniversary Show, gushing over its...

Ed Limato: A tribute to the iconic agent to the stars/ Hollywood Journal, Blog
Ed Limato: A tribute to the iconic agent to the stars by Tova Laiter “Great legends,” Ed Limato was quoted as saying “are usually people...